DATEXEL压力变送器 意大利DATEXEL公司建于1990,主要生产工业自动化过程控制及应用的各类产品。在近二十的发展中DATEXEL已成为技术良好的电子仪器仪表制造商,能在**时间内制造高品质合理价位的产品以赢得顾客的信赖。 意大利DATEXEL的产品种类广、系列全,其中的防爆型产品符合ATEX*94/9/EC,主要产品系列有:DATEXEL温度变送器(防爆/智能型温度变送器)、DATEXEL温度信号转换器、DATEXEL信号隔离器、DATEXEL信号调节器、DATEXEL数据采集控制模块(I/O模块)、DATEXEL PLC控制A/D界面模块、DATEXEL跳闸信号放大器、DATEXEL电流隔离器、DATEXEL数字显示表等。其产品可匹配热电偶、热电阻、RTD等多种类型的传感器。可读取电流、电压、电阻、电位等多种输入信号。从而较大地方便了用户的选型应用。 意大利 DATEXEL所有生产产品都按着电磁兼容性的标准执行,符合国际化的制造标准,完全遵循RAEE、ROHS保护指令。DATEXEL的大部产品适合于在易爆的生产环境,并符合ATEX94/9/EC防爆标准,公司通过ISO 9001:2000质量标准认证。 上海秋腾贸易代理销售DATEXEL压力变送器、DATEXEL模块等全系列产品。欢迎来电咨询! The DATEXEL DAT6000 series is an evolution in the connection of analog **s to digital PLC's. The DATEXEL DAT6011 converts two non isolated Voltages (up to ± 1 V) or thermocouple **s to a digital PLC. The DATEXEL DAT6000 series amplifies, linearizes, isolates, filters and converts the analog **s to a high resolution digital **, by few and simple instructions downloaded into any PLC. It is possible to acquire more analog **s on one digital input. The digital ** can be connected to any input of the PLC. The digital ** is composed of a series of 16 bits “word” containing the value of the analog inputs to acquire. The PLC controls the data transmission by a clock ** (CLK) generated from one of its output ports used to ask the device after the enabling of transmission by the enable ** (ENABLE). If the enable ** is high, at each rising edge of clock, the device will provide on the data line (DATA) one of the bits that composes the reading word. DATEXEL现货、DATEXEL价格、DATEXEL厂家、DATEXEL代理、DATEXEL经销、DATEXEL型号 DATEXEL spot, DATEXEL price, DATEXEL manufacturers, DATEXEL agent, DATEXEL distribution, DATEXEL model DATEXEL pressure transmitter, DATEXEL module