ABLY温控器 意大利ABLY电子式温度控制器(电阻式)是采用电阻感温的方法来测量的,一般采用白金丝、铜丝、钨丝以及半导体(热敏电阻等)为测温电阻,热敏电阻的阻抗R1的大小随周围温度的上升或下降而改变,使平衡受到破坏,AC之间有输出电流。因此,ABLY控制器在构成温控器时,可以很*地通过选择适当的热敏电阻来改变温度调节范围和工作温度。ABLY电子式温度控制器(电阻式)是采用电阻感温的方法来测量的,ABLY温控器一般采用白金丝作为测温电阻,ABLY电子式温度控制器具有稳定,体积小的优点,现在在越来越多的领域中得到使用。 上海秋腾贸易代理销售意大利ABLY温度控制器、ABLY电路板,ABLY转换模块、ABLY冷热调节器、ABLY控制器等全系列产品。 Ably born in 1984 with a project, an ambitious but feasible: to become a reliable reference point in the supply of electronic controls and automation controllers. Ably s.r.l. currently is a partner of major multinational companies in the field of regulation and provides its customers with both standard solutions we design and manufacture of custom solutions. Each device developed by the company is subject to stringent quality tests that allow the reliability and accuracy over time. SECTABLE Heat / Cooling THERMOSTAT TMP-50 ABLY现货、ABLY价格、ABLY厂家、ABLY代理、ABLY经销、ABLY型号 ABLY spot, ABLY price, ABLY manufacturers, ABLY agent, ABLY distribution, ABLY model ABLY temperature controller, ABLY circuit boards, ABLY conversion m